Roseto, city of sports

Roseto degli Abruzzi offers many opportunities to engage in sports activities. Football and Beach Soccer are widely practiced and represent an important part of the city’s sports life, with numerous tournaments and competitions organized every year.

In the 1980s, beach soccer was introduced in the area and quickly became very successful. The beauty of the beaches, the fine sand, and the warm and sunny climate contributed to the rapid spread of this sport, becoming a favorite among both locals and tourists.

Two of the most popular sports in the area are Swimming and Water Polo, which have deep roots in the local history and culture. Our natural element is water! The team from Roseto degli Abruzzi, made up of young local talents and athletes from other Italian cities, trains hard to face the best teams in the country in the national championships. Their matches are exciting and engaging events that attract sports enthusiasts from all over the region.

Tennis is a well-established reality in Roseto degli Abruzzi, with a local tennis club active since the 1970s. As proof of this beautiful sports reality, the I Love Abruzzo International Tennis Tour, a stop on the ATP Challenger Tour circuit involving 140 cities worldwide, was recently held at the renovated facility in the multi-purpose sports area south of the city.

But it’s not just tennis on the court that attracts enthusiasts to Roseto. In recent years, Beach Tennis has become increasingly popular, thanks to the beauty of the area’s beaches and the warm and sunny climate. Beach tennis combines sport and the beauty of the sea, creating a unique and exciting gaming experience.

Every summer, Roseto degli Abruzzi hosts numerous beach tennis tournaments for both adults and children in an atmosphere of healthy competition and fun.

The absolute protagonist of the Rosetan summers is certainly Beach Volleyball and along the entire stretch of the beach, many of the courts in the bathing establishments offer the opportunity to play at all times of the day and night. Roseto degli Abruzzi has become an important destination for national and international beach volleyball tournaments and has hosted various important professional circuit events, foremost among them the World Tour, which has brought champions from all over the world to play on the Rosetan sand.

Don’t miss one of these events that enliven the city, creating a festive, aggregating, and fun atmosphere!

Speaking of sports, we cannot forget one of the most important charity events on the Roseto calendar: Sport per la Vita (Sport for Life), a show that features Figure Skating. World Figure Skating Champions presented their best performances for the 33rd edition and performed to raise funds for three associations: the Cystic Fibrosis League of Abruzzo, Unitalsi Progetto Bambini, and Rosa per la Vita for free home care of cancer patients. Once again, sports go beyond competition and make us proud of our Rosetan community, which is particularly sensitive and warm.

As we have come to understand, an integral part of Rosetan sports is the nature that surrounds us and that we have a duty to value and protect.

In addition to boat trips, walks, and various sports that we can practice in designated areas and facilities, there is the possibility of enjoying bike rental services, trekking excursions, and horseback riding, on the beach or in the hills, imagine exploring the territory in a different way than you may have done before!