
The areas on which paid parking is provided are as follows:




Trieste waterfront from Marco Polo to P. Filipponi


June 01 – September 15

Felicioni Residence


June 01 – September 15

Lungomare Roma


June 01 – September 15

Via Colombo


June 01 – September 15

Lungomare Trento da Piazza Ponno a Via Palermo


June 01 – September 15

Via Nazionale lato EST e Stazione


January 01 – December 31

Via Nazionale lato OVEST e Stazione


January 01 – December 31

Piazza Mosaico


January 01 – December 31

Parking c/o FS Station


January 01 – December 31

Piazza Repubblica


January 01 – December 31

No. 44 parking meters are installed in the municipality.

By clicking on the icons, you can view a satellite image of the parking area and get directions from Google Maps.

Paid Parking


The rates applied in the parking areas as of 01/01/2024 were established by D.G.C. no. 417 dated 11/20/2023, and are as follows:

  • Rate of one hour € 1.00 – with the possibility of splitting the hour, with a minimum of 30 minutes;
  • Rate daily, until 20:00 even in the summer period: € 5.00; (from 20:00 to 24:00 in the period June 01 to September 15 hourly payment is still due);
  • Rate weekly: € 10,00;
  • Rate monthly residents and merchants, their employees, municipal employees, and members of professional bodies: € 15.00;
  • NON-resident monthly : €40.00;
  • Rate bimonthly subscription residents and traders, their employees, municipal employees, and members of professional bodies: € 25.00;
  • Bi-monthly NON-resident subscription rate: €70.00;
  • Rate quarterly subscription residents and merchants their employees, municipal employees, and members of professional bodies: € 30.00;
  • Subscription rate quarterly NONresident: € 85,00;
  • Rate annual subscription residents and non-residents: € 120,00;

Rates for hotels and merchants, for MAXIMUM of 3 subscriptions per facility:

  • Rate MONTHLY for hotel facilities and merchants.: € 50,00.
  • Rate BIMESTRAL for hotel facilities and traders.: € 90,00;
  • Rate QUARTERLY for hotel facilities and merchants.: € 130,00


The hours of operation of the paid parking service on the areas indicated and materialized with blue stripes were approved by City Council Resolution No. 74 of 08/04/2021 and are as follows:

  • For the period from June 01 to September 15: from 9:00 a.m. to midnight;
  • For the period from September 16 to May 31: from 9:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m;

Subscriptions and Payments

Ways to obtain parking passes:

  1. WithEasyPark APP, e APP Telepass all independently from your Smartphone and Tablet;
  2. Sending subscription request form a: duly completed with all attachments along with the payment receipt that can be made on the website of the City of Roseto in the spontaneous payments section PagoPA;
  3. At parking meters;

Subscriptions can be paid through the following systems:


  • No payment is due for all users on Sundays and other holidays between September 16 and May 31;
  • The following vehicles are exempt from all payment obligations and parking restrictions:
  • Electric cars
  • Vehicles serving the disabled with the appropriate blue badge, if the parking spaces reserved for them are occupied or unavailable;
  • Police force vehicles and emergency and rescue vehicles;
  • Municipal vehicles and those of companies or firms performing services or work on behalf of the municipality, for reasons of service, appropriately recognizable by livery, or category-specific markings;
  • Vehicles belonging to public agencies or public service enterprises, for reasons of service i.e. Carabinieri Association on Leave, Red Cross, White Cross and Civil Defense, appropriately recognizable by livery, or markings specific to the category;

Information and Contact

The Sis Mobility Solutions Company Office at the branch office of the Local Police Headquarters in Liberty Square in Roseto degli Abruzzi (next to FS Station) and will be open to the public during the following hours:

TUESDAYS: 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.

THURSDAY: 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.

SATURDAY: 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.

Forms to fill out to subscribe to subscriptions will also be available on site, which can also be downloaded online at the dedicated page.

For inquiries, information, reports and anything else, SIS Mobility Solutions’ contacts are:

Phone: 075/605195



Important parking information:

as of June 10, payment is allowed only with cash; payment services by credit cards and the Easypark and Telepass apps will soon be active; the coupon issued by the parking meter certifying payment for parking or the season ticket must always be displayed in plain view in the vehicle, while payment by App will be verified by the auxiliaries through the use of a tablet.

Important information for subscriptions:

subscriptions subscribed during the previous management remain valid until their natural expiration; for holders of subscriptions expiring after 31/05/2024, the days of suspension of service, made necessary for the replacement work of the columns, will be recovered and added automatically, postponing the expiration of the subscriptions themselves